Aims and Responsibilities

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  1. I.E.P. is a scientific agency that provides support to the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs on issues regarding primary and secondary education, post-secondary education, transition from secondary to higher education, teacher training, student dropout and early school leaving. Co-operation with I.E.P. is required for every relevant initiative or action taken by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs departments or the agencies supervised by it.
  2. I.E.P. deals with scientific research and study of the issues mentioned above, and provides ongoing scientific and technical support on relevant educational policy planning and implementation.
  3. I. E.P. has in particular the following responsibilities:
    1. It issues opinion, in response to relevant queries submitted by the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, or ex officio, in relation to the following:
      1. educational policy formulation, modernisation and implementation in all types of school units,
      2. primary and secondary education programmes of studies/ curricula, school books and teaching material,
      3. teacher initial and in-service training, teaching staff selection, scholarship programmes,
      4. evaluation of the administrative and educational structures of primary and secondary education,
      5. operation of Greek schools abroad,
      6. education of expatriated Greeks, immigrants and refugees as well as intercultural education,
      7. primary, secondary and post secondary education teacher training, training and certification policy of the training agencies.
    2. It explores and identifies overlaps in educational research or experimental activities carried out by various agencies, issues opinion on ways to avoid those overlaps and utilise available sources in the best way possible.
    3. It systematically studies issues relating to:
      1. school life and ways of improvement
      2. school dropout and early school leaving
      3. special education as well as the teaching goals and needs of particular groups of the student population
      4. factors that shape the profile, operation and effectiveness of school units, such as the structure of education, the organizational- administrative system and the physical infrastructure
      5. design, implementation and development of teacher training educational policy and actions
    4. It designs and implements support actions on issues regarding the afore-mentioned responsibilities, in view of the implementation of new educational policies.
    5. It designs the national strategy on teacher training and monitors its implementation in accordance with its responsibilities.
    6. It gives opinions on the measures and policy for the support and evaluation of school operation.
  4. The implementation of a particular action can be assigned to I.E.P. and any other relevant issue can be regulated by a schedule agreement between the aforementioned Ministry and I.E.P.
  5. For any decisions made by agencies supervised by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, and directly related to the responsibilities of I.E.P., cooperation with I.E.P. is required.
  6. In order to fulfill its purpose I.E.P. cooperates with the agencies of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, the National Council of Education and Development of Human Resources, Higher Educational Institutes and especially with their educational departments, research agencies, educational advisory councils, second level teacher unions, institutions and organizations in Greece and abroad, as well as with other Public or Private sector agencies which have a relevant mission or with the members of the aforementioned agencies.


  • Phone Book
  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

IEP map
