Ergastiria Dexiotiton: 21st Century Skills Lab

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An Introduction

Since February 2020, the Greek MoE along with the Greek Institute of Education Policy (IEP) have designed and put in action a pilot study in compulsory education called: “Ergastiria Dexiotiton: 21st Century Skills Lab” , where 21st century skills are developed and issues of equality, equity and equal opportunity are discussed. The aim of this initiative is to create a safe space where young people will have the opportunity to learn about and discuss freely issues of justice in pluralistic and intercultural democratic societies, along with other contemporary controversial issues such as gender equality, global citizenship and the rights of all persons to dignity and respect amongst others.
Through participatory learning methodologies students engage in quality education activities and act upon real-life problems to combat all kinds of discrimination (due to gender, (dis)ability, age, race, ethnicity) and foster activities inspired by an ethos to act against antisocial and antidemocratic practices such as practices of hate- speech, body-shaming, cyber-bullying, Education through the ergastiria dexiotiton initiative aspires to develop a positive attitude towards volunteering and solidarity, tolerance and social empathy, freedom and equality, honesty and kindness, safety and the sense of belonging to a community qua the school and beyond. The educational material and activities used in this programme have been contributed by Local government bodies for Civil Rights (Secretary for the Family and Equality, ΓΓΟΠΙΦ), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for the rights/ Intergovernmental Organizations (NGOs) (High Commission for Refugee, UNICEF), Universities’ Research Institutes & Centers, Private bodies with scientific, research and educational activity and Local Authorities. This initiative therefore aims to establish a collaboration between government bodies and the civil society to proactively promote and implement The UN Sustainable Development Goals with particular emphasis to Goal 4 Inclusive and Quality Education. The educational material has been further organized in four (4) Thematic Pillars and aims to implement these new thematic areas and activities in school life and curricula.
Specifically for the issues of sexual dignity and sex education, an additional distinct digital material platform was developed with a scope to bring together programs related to educational activities of knowledge and critical thinking as well as cultural activities, life skills in matters of gender, rights, mental and physical health, safety, protection, respect for sexual dignity and equality. The topics and educational material are further differentiated by school age. In kindergarten, young students are invited to get acquainted with emotions, desires, friendship, while in the older grades of elementary school and high school the same issues are examined from the perspective of rights. From infancy the cultivation of self-care and hygiene skills, the distinction between good and evil in terms of exploitation and sexual dignity, the pursuit of empathy and the cultivation of trusting relationships with adults are sought.
All 4 Thematic Pillars, through the Ergastiria Dexiotiton Initiative can be used to design activities to promote human rights, democratic culture, respect and tolerance in pluralistic societies by “raising awareness” on all axes of discrimination such as race, ethnicity, disability, status and sexual orientation; teachers/ pupils and school community are to monitor progress through the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (CDCs)
The “Ergastiria Dexiotiton” initiative by adopting the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture(CDCs) both as a “goal setting” framework and as an evaluative process aspires education to move beyond difference and segregation and ensure that all students will have access to quality education opportunities in safe and respectful communities of learning, where learning is not limited to knowledge accumulation and skill formation but also goes beyond to support intercultural dialogue on common values aspiring to bring a transformative power through education to include all in equality and justice.



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  • Tel: 213 1335 100
  • E-mail: info[at]
  • Postal address: An. Tsocha 36 str., Athens, zip code 11521

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